Monday 9 January 2012

Want Shiny White Teeth??

I had my teeth whitened last week and to be quite honest I was rather sceptical about the whole thing all the way up until I had the mouth piece removed and actually saw my teeth in the mirror... WOWZA's they were gleaming!!! I'm not exaggerating either. A colour comparison was carried out before and after the service and I have to say I am very very pleased with the outcome. The colour of my teeth lifted by 7 shades!!

The whole process took an hour and wasn't painful at all. The only part I didn't like was the mouth piece. It started to get a bit uncomfortable after around half an hour but for the result that I got it was well worth the last 15 minutes of having it in. Also the white foods diet for 48 hours after your treatment was a bit of a pain but a sure fire way to kick start a healthier eating diet and a definite way of maintaining the whiteness.

I had my teeth whitened by my close friend Fiona who is a fully qualified Hair Stylist and Beautician. She completed her Cosmetic Teeth Whitening Course recently and after whitening only a few clients gnashers she has been swamped with appointment bookings and has been highly recommended by everyone she has seen.


As I said the service was completely painless and Fiona is super professional having all the required after care information and happily explaining what she was doing throughout the whole process.

Her Teeth Whitening is costing £100 throughout Jan 2012 only so get booked in ASAP!! Fiona covers Berkshire, Surrey, Hampshire and other areas depending on the service.

Visit her website at

Franki xoxo

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